PHILLIPS PLANTATION FAMILY CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Version 2.3, 13-Apr-2006, C313.TXT, C313 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 CEMETERY LOCATION: ------------------ > Latitude N 34 41.302 x Longitude W 83 04.470 CHURCH/CEMETERY HISTORY: ------------------------ 04-Jan-2004 From: (BAD address) I am not sure who I should contact regarding the Phillips Plantation Family cemetery. I noted that directions were needed. I am the ggggrandaughter of Levi Phillips. A relative located the cemetery a few years ago and sent me these directions. It is on Plant Road in Westminster, there is a gate down the road on the right hand side, cross through the gate and walk a few hundred feet down the logging road until you see a pile of rocks on the right side. This is where you will find the cemetery. They were able to unearth a large marker for Levi and his wife Barbara. Smaller stones were found for Ari and George Washington. There are several graves that are sunken in. I am seeking the grave sites of Barbara and Joel Kelly . I was told that this land is now owned by a Rod and Gun Club and upon purchase they agreed not to disturb the cemetery. I hope this will help locate the gravesites and can uncover the mystery of who is buried there TOMBSTONE TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: ------------------------------ a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife PHILLIPS, Barbara, d. 1817 PHILLIPS, Levi, b. c1716, d. 21-feb-1817 WASHINGTON, Ari WASHINGTON, George